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ABOUT: Scoping review and survey

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Click here for an easy read description of this part of the study.

In the first part of the project we want to find out what people are already doing to support people with learning disabilities to plan for the end of life. We want to find as many approaches and resources for end-of-life care planning as possible. This includes any documents or guidelines that are used, and hearing about how people do this planning together.


To do this, we will search for evidence about how people with learning disabilities are helped to plan for the end of their lives. We also want to hear from people about how they support people to make these plans. We want to listen to those who are involved in, or concerned with, the care of people with learning disabilities who are supported by learning disability services.


The scoping review and survey have now been completed.


Some of the resources and approaches that we found are available on the Other useful links page. We are now writing up our findings into an article to be published in an academic journal. On 18th April 2023 we held a webinar to share the findings with you. Check out our WEBINAR page!

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