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ABOUT: Evaluation

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Click here for an easy read description of this part of the study.

In the final part of the project, we will test out the toolkit of approaches and resources that we developed earlier in the project. We will train around 42 learning disability support staff members to use these approaches and resources with people they support. They will then try them out to help people they support to make end-of-life care plans.


We are testing the following four resources in the study:


  • Let's talk about funerals pictures

  • My funeral cards

  • Am I Going To Die? Book Beyond Words

  • When I'm ill cards


Support staff will be asked to fill in feedback forms about their experiences and to join focus groups to let us know how useful they found the resources, approaches, and training.


The evaluation study has now been completed.


The feedback was used to finalise the toolkit. You find the toolkt on the TOOLKIT page. We are also writing up our findings into an article to be published in an academic journal.

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