Written by Andrea Bruun, Research Associate, Kingston University.
A few weeks ago, Leon and Richard were back in the webinar presenter seat. This time it was in our Kingston office and all about our new resources for end-of-life care planning with people with learning disabilities. Did you see it? If you missed it, then you can watch the webinar recording below.

This year, we have been busy working with our All Together Group on making new resources for our end-of-life care planning toolkit. The group worked together from January to June 2023. In October, we celebrated all our hard work with a lovely event (read more about the event here), and we saw the new resources in their "ready-to-be-tested" form – the third stage of the project was now over. As it is part of our “spread the word” strategy to make webinars for each study part of the project, this meant that it was time for another The Victoria & Stuart Project webinar. So, on Thursday 16th November, we invited everyone who was interested to join us for a lunchtime webinar about our new resources.
Once again, our colleagues with a learning disability did an incredible job taking the audience through the webinar journey. They welcomed us, showed us videos about the work of the All Together Group, and answered questions from the audience. More than 200 people attended the webinar this time, and we had too many questions in the chat and not enough time. So, I think we can deem it yet another success. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
We ended the webinar presentation by launching our wider evaluation study where anyone who is interested can try out the new resources. If you want to take part in the study by testing the resources and telling us about it afterwards, then read more here.
We will see you at the next webinar in 2024!